Thursday, July 29, 2010

First Steps and A New Name

My first Physical Therapy trip taught me that this is not going to be an easy road. But I am confident that I can regain my strength. I could not believe how weak my muscles became after only 3 days of that nerve being pinched. I realized the extent of the injury when I laid on my tummy and truly could NOT lift m right leg. If felt as if a giant brick had been strapped to my leg and mocked me endlessly with each attempt at lifting.

So to help motivate this dead droopy foot, I've named it. My limp foot shall heretofore be known as Capt. Jack. Yes, the name is the same as that of the spirited pirate in Pirates of the Caribbean. I came to this conclusion after realizing the similarities, lazy, a bit crazy, pretty much drunk ... the description totally fits! Maybe soon, we can change his name to something more fit and strong.

And here begins the quest. I say this before God and friends so that I can be held accountable for my actions by someone other than myself. I am on a quest to get fit, I'm attempting to eat better and do my therapy as directed.

See you back here soon...

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