Friday, July 30, 2010

Meet Capt. Jack

You know the old saying, "If I don't laugh, I'll cry?" well, I think it's an old saying... anywhozees... to help keep my sense of humor about this whole ordeal, I've named my bad foot, Capt. Jack. As in Captain Jack Sparrow that nutty pirate. I've come to this name because, like Capt. Jack, my naughty nub is lazy, crazy and drunk. See the similarities?

And to help keep his sense of humor about this nonsense, Joel decorated Jack. Good, huh?

Capt. Jack and I went to physical therapy today and while I was working hard, he was still unwilling to move. But I'm gonna show him who's boss. And I'm working at eating right, while I normally would fall into a snack myself into oblivion sort of routine, I have eaten smaller meals and have been eating smarter snacks. Well on the road to a better body. Stay tuned!

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