Saturday, July 31, 2010

Frozen Foot, Sleep Talk & Yummy Incentives

Imagine if you will ... it's winter. My Midwest friends have this one covered. It's a really cold Wisconsin/Nebraska winter. Lots of snow. Below zero temps, you know the kind of cold that freezes your saliva while you talk? Okay, now imagine standing out in the snow ... but you forgot to double sock and boot up just on one foot. Your toes freeze and they never really seem to thaw out. That's what this freaky foot feels like. Cold, all the time ... but I can't really feel the heat when I try to warm it up! Uber wierd! Silly appendage.

I woke up this morning certain I'd wiggle my toes and walk without a limp or a cane ... nope ... not yet. But this dreamy milestone is obviously written all over my conscious and subconscious since I had a sleepy conversation with Joel about how I couldn't "open up my passages" apparently the passage from my nerve to my foot wouldn't open up. Silly passages.

After briefly discussing the closed passages, we had a visit from the other pirates in the house. They joined us as we watched Unique Food on the new Cooking channel ... which I love ... and we all drooled in unison as we were presented with a meatopia in NYC, an unbelievably fantastical churrascaria simply dripping in the finest of meats and juices of meat. I then came to the conclusion that we must dine on the meat!

We will treat ourselves to Texas De Brazil ...
This will happen when the passages reopen ... when to toes remember how to wiggle ... when it no longer feels as if I've been standing barefoot in the snow ... for at least a day ... and when these mushy muscles regain strength ... when I can kick the cane and walk without a limp.
See, when I was in middle and high school and I did not rock the report cards, my mom used awesome dinners as an incentive for better grades. We lived in Houston and had fantastic restaurants at our disposal so for me, this was the perfect motivation. And that is what we shall do, when I regain strength and feeling, which will happen ... Texas De Brazil, here we come! The boys cannot wait.

Okay, on the topic of incentives... about a year ago is when I first vowed to get fit and healthy I set another incentive for myself. I decided that if I got myself to the gym or at least working out 3 times a week for a month, I'd reward myself with a pedicure.

Ah yes ... that looks nice ... but it has yet to happen. So, the deal is back on. I have exercises that must be done twice a day. AND I HAVE TO DO THEM!!! One month .. twice a day, PT 3 times per week ... then, it's pretty foot time. The other one needs a little attention too ya know ;-)

Let's just hope they don't end up looking like this...


  1. AAAAAHHHHHH! That image is beyond disturbing. You can do it, friend!!

  2. I can always count on you for the first comment. :-) You're the bestest :-)

  3. I was so freaked out I had to give myself a DIY pedi! Not that mine looked like that before...but....bleh.

  4. Amy, why did you take a picture of Joel's foot. Now you have nice feet, him no way, no how!!
