Sunday, August 1, 2010

Capt. Jack's Day Out

While I could have had communion brought to me at home, I really wanted to get out of the house for something other than therapy. So off to church we went. Not so bad... mind you, I medicated properly prior to heading out. What I did discover was that even though I wasn't in constant pain, walking is a pain in the butt! Both literally and figuratively. My right leg is so weak!!! I just cannot believe how weak it is. And I'm so weak on the right, my left is sore from trying to pull the weight of Capt. Jack and his merry crew.
I prayed not for a miracle healing but for the strength, patience and perseverance to do this on my own because this has to be my journey. But as I sat in the pew and reflected on the situation, I realized for the first time how truly long this could take.
We headed home for a bit to relax and regroup.
Our next stop, lunch and then the Memphis College of Art to see the boys summer camp artwork on display. I had to see this! Wouldn't have missed it for anything. And I'm so glad I made it. It was SO COOL! to see our little men beam with pride while showing us Max's wool bead necklace, Porter's paper mache penguin and their very detailed treasure maps.
For a short time, I forgot about my bum leg and just basked in their sweet artistic glow.
All in all a great day but I came home sore and exhausted ... with a definite sense of how long a process this may be.
Another day begins tomorrow...

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