Tuesday, August 10, 2010

This time, with feeling! And an ode to tippy toes.

Well, I still have a case of the frozen toes. BUT!!! I really believe that I have more feeling than before and I KNOW I am stronger than just a week ago. They may be small mini milestones but they are milestones nonetheless. Capt. Jack is beginning to take direction a little better but is still lazy a great deal of the time.

There are many things that I still struggle to accomplish like standing on my tippy toes. I realize it's unlikely that this is the technical or medical term for the toe area to which I'm referring. However, I cannot push up onto those toes on that foot. Darn pirate. And I must say I will never again take for granted the ability to stand on my tippy toes. Reaching up to get a coffee mug from the top shelf, stretching up to grab a Martha or a Rachael from atop the fridge. These are things I cannot do.

I am still walking with a cane when I'm out and about mostly because walking takes a huge amount of effort and it helps to be able to let the cane bear the weight from time to time. Additionally, I am still not as sure on my feet. Without that feeling, I tend to roll over on my foot or accidentally drag my toes and get tripped up if I'm not careful. So the cane is Capt. Jack's sidekick for the time being when we happen to venture out.

So while I work to build up my hamstring muscle and encourage my nerve to behave properly and start talking to that muscle, walk a few extra steps for me, stretch for that chocolate bar way up on the top shelf and make sure you use those tippy toes.

Oooohhh... and run!!! If you can run, RUN! I don't run often and doesn't really feel great when I do but I wish I could do that now.

Here it stands, when I am able to push up on my tippy toes, I will be well. So, pray for tippy toe function, folks and in the meantime, dance a little more for me.

BTW ... I kinda lied about the ode. I thought about it but then lost the creative bug :-)

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