Friday, August 20, 2010

Driving, Working and Capt. Jack is Still a Lazy Pirate

One month ago today, I had an entirely numb leg, was in an indescribable amount of pain that made me wish I was back in Omaha delivering twins with a pinched nerve and an epidural that only half worked and I'd been told by a radiologist after looking at my MRI that I needed to find a surgeon ... quick.

I now have feeling in most of my leg, still numb toes, though. And I am in little to no pain. I cannot believe how much better I am feeling! And in therapy I have gone from only being able to handle 2 to 3 minutes on the elliptical to making it 5 minutes and still able to breathe!! Capt. Jack still acts out on a regular basis and refused to do some of his exercises. But I do get him working ... see??

We are doing lots of leg presses to strengthen the hamstring and then I do a foot press using just from the ball of my foot up. Uber hard.

On the super bright side, I have improved A LOT since I started therapy. On the dark side, I still have a ways to go. My hamstring is still crazy weak and it's making me walk a bit funny as it seems to effect my hip and my foot.

As for the Naughty Nerve, it is behaving itself much better now that I am taking a regular double dose of my anti-inflammatory. No more screaming pain in the middle of the night. But the day of and after therapy everything is a bit ticked off and sore. And the one thing that has yet to go away is that the nerve is sensitive to the touch. I can trace the thing from my butt to my foot ... where I cease to feel much of anything.

Best news!!! No more cane!!! I have ditched it almost entirely. I still keep it handy for the occasional long walk that requires a little assistance. But mostly, we've repurposed it, Joel has a new sword.

All in all, I'm doing pretty well and have even driven the van a bit!!! I've gone back to work a tiny bit and will head back for half days and work from home the rest of the day starting on Tuesday :-)
See check me out ... and yes I'm supposed to be backwards, trying to trick that silly nerve.

Here I am, ready to see the Dr. and ready to work further toward normal. But I have not done it alone and I could not have done it without an unbelievable network of friends and family. I've had two weeks with my mom and two weeks with Joel's mom. Sally (Lolly) leaves tomorrow and I'm on my own. The boyz are stuck with me ... just gimpy ole' me :-)

Oh... and I've lost 5 pounds! Not much, but I'm building muscle at the same time. And every little bit counts. My new quest has begun and I promise to keep it up. A healthier me so I can get back to playing with my boys and not letting this happen again! Talk to you soon. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you, My Baybee-Waybee!!!!! You have come a long way, indeed, and I know how hard it has been for you. In spite of the difficulties you have never slacked off been anything but the indomitable, courageous spirit we all know you to be. It's hard for me to be so far away, even though I know that Sally is there for you ... Thank God she could do that! Still I feel so much better as I track your progress on this blog and I LOVE the picture of you @ PT. You look terrific, Baby. So grateful to God that you are feeling better, too.
