Thursday, August 5, 2010

From Naughty Nerve to Nasty Nerve

Okay, I fell off the blog for a bit. Mostly because I wasn't feeling very positive and really only wanted to write a bunch of swear words, thought that might not be appropriate or very interesting for my throngs of readers ;-) But I just had to kick my pity party to the curb and deal with the negative as I always have, by slapping a smile on it! :-) And by just reminding myself that this could be a lot worse. So here's what's been going on in the world of Capt. Jack and the Naughty Nerve.

My new wake up call comes in the form of lightning strikes of pain shooting up and down my leg starting at about 3am. Did you ever get growing pains as a kid? I used to get them, a lot. Kinda weird since I'm not so tall... Anywho... That is sort of what this pain feels like but it doesn't really go away! Lortab, flexeril, heat, cold, massage, yelling ... does NOTHING! Finally decided to call the neurosurgeon and see if this excruciating pain is normal. Yup. Perfectly normal, turns out it's the nerve healing. The nurse tells me, "Looking at your surgical report, your nerve was very, very, very smushed..." Always good to know :-) So, she tells me the nerve typically begins to reawaken 6-9 days after surgery and will take AT LEAST 6 weeks to heal! Yowza!!! 6 weeks of this sounds ... fun! Sarcasm is therapy folks. But she did tell me to go ahead and double up my anti inflammatory dose, BTW if you are in need of a good anti inflammatory, I wholeheartedly suggest Mobic, it actually works and with no side effects. My friend Heather suggested it and I swear by it now. I have uber amounts of inflammation so Mobic is my friend. This is why naughty nerve is now nasty nerve.

So, how is Capt. Jack you ask? Well, I must say he is why I've been so frustrated. He's really not responding well so far. We've even used E Stim - Electrical Stimulation! Do you know that lazy pirate refused to come out of his rum induced stupor! Therapy has become far more intense and my home exercises are more advanced too. Though the pain has kept me from doing them as much at home but I'm getting past it now. As we progress in therapy, I've found more and more areas that have been compromised by that dead nerve. But I WILL BEAT THIS!!! I WILL GET STRONGER!!! I WILL BE A BETTER PATIENT!!! well I can't make any promises on that last one :-)

Here we sit, in a hotel room because Murphy's Law continues to make our lives interesting. Our air-conditioner has konked out. Thanks to my mom (Nini) the boys are off enjoying an adventure in Little Rock, they LOVE the science museum there. So it's just me, that guy I married and Cosmo. We've discovered he's quite the watchdog, he barks every time he hears people pass the door. We have yet to hear back from the AC people. AND my cell phone is acting nutty!!!!

I guess that about sums up the last few days. Thanks for listening! :-)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad the AC is back on and I also noticed that Joel and Cosmo and Ed look alike!!!
