Monday, August 2, 2010

Name the Nerve...

So ... I might have overdone it a bit yesterday. At least that's what my naughty nerve thinks. I woke up to a pain like I haven't felt since before surgery in the area near/around my hamstring. That's where the angry nerve lives. It wasn't the same type of sensation as when it was pinched but it's similar and YOWZA it hurts! Once up and moving, that discomfort was followed by an aching all the way down the leg into the foot. So, I get it! I get why I'm supposed to rest and let it heal. I can be a little impatient (shocker, I know) sometimes and when I feel better I do too much and then pay for it later. I learned my lesson and will simmer down...

In case you were curious...

I have to share this because I finally came up with a few different ways to describe what Capt. Jack feels like.

Have you ever had your foot wrapped in an Ace bandage? Or have you had your toes/fingers wrapped together to let a sprain heal? That's what this feels like! It's such an odd sensation. Sometimes I actually think to myself that I need to take the bandage off, it's too tight! There's also a feeling that half of my foot got a good shot of numbing juice from the dentist. As if the dentist and Capt. Jack went out for a few pints and then the drunk dentist missed the mark when aiming for my mouth.
Okay, one more weird comparison ... as I attempt to wiggle my toes it feels like each toe is individually wrapped in Scotch tape ... or covered in dried super glue ... and they feel plastic-ish when they rub together. I said it was weird.

Alright, enough of that. I realized that it's a bit unfair that my foot has a name but that nerve that is just as bothersome remains nameless. Here's where you come in. What shall my naughty nerve be called from here on out?

Time to shower and dress for therapy. Catch ya later :-)

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